Vacation Planner
Case Study
Redesign of an existing vacation planner by offering user friendly interface and modern look.
SameSystem offers an online workforce management solution for retail business - from creating and handling of work schedules, overview of salaries and contracts, to statistics for turnovers, budgets with additional integrations with other softwares and much much more.
Design task
Provide Store managers with an overview of the employees vacation days and assist them to easily transfer these between calculation periods.
Outcome: Prototype showcasing the concept

The challenge
How might we provide a welcoming overview of the number of vacation days per employee within a client having multiples of stores and make edit and transfer of their vacation easy. Avoid back and forth navigation to other pages of the system.
Content needs
Display the different roles and employees are assigned to, their vacation days, available operations.
Offer a way to easily edit employee’s data to apply occasionally needed corrections within the current screen.
The showcased layout focuses on default alphabetically sorted list to ease finding a person by name. The option to filter by role, store or payroll was omitted as the main task a user performs on this page is to transfer the full list and select few exceptions if needed. Editing the information of a particular person was also not a typical task to perform on this page, but something much needed and requested.
The challenge was to figure out where would be the best place to display the edit options - under each name, by using a side bar or by displaying it as an overlay at the bottom of the screen.